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The Thrill of the Fight – VR Boxing
По статистике максимальная скидка на The Thrill of the Fight – VR Boxing в Steam делается каждые 4 мес.
Прогноз скидок: Следующую максимальную скидку стоит ожидать приблизительно через 3 нед.
Информация про The Thrill of the Fight – VR Boxing
Дата релиза
Поддерживаемые языки
английский**озвучивание доступно на этих языках
Цены в других в регионах
Информация доступна зарегистрированным пользователям
2900 ₸ (524.61 ₽)
225 ₴ (493.13 ₽)
42 ¥ (525.97 ₽)
United Kingdom
8.5 £ (973.05 ₽)
209.54 ₺ (526.15 ₽)
United States
9.99 $ (908.83 ₽)
45.99 zł (1049.99 ₽)
Цены на других платформах
История цен и скидок на графике
История изменения цен (график скидок) на The Thrill of the Fight – VR Boxing:
Хронология цен
Хронология цен The Thrill of the Fight – VR Boxing показывает как со временем менялась цена в Steam.
308 ₽ новая стоимость. 385 ₽ (Экономия 77 ₽)
385 ₽ новая стоимость. 308 ₽
The Thrill of the Fight is a down-to-earth VR boxing game focused on authenticity. Enter a virtual gym and battle a series of unique challengers with their own styles and techniques. Use timing and skill to land the knockout blow. Evade swings, land jabs, and block punches to become the king of the ring!Room scale is required with a minimum supported play area size of 2m by 2m (6. 5ft by 6. 5ft). Please ensure your SteamVR Chaperone boundaries or Oculus Guardian boundaries are set up properly for room scale and that you are willing to move and punch anywhere within and around the play area you have defined. Joystick movement is not supported, and you are expected to physically move around in the real-world. Oculus Quest is not supported. Do not purchase the PC version of The Thrill of the Fight to play using the Quest headset. Oculus Link does not fully implement all of the room scale features that The Thrill of the Fight relies on to work properly. The only functional and supported way to play The Thrill of the Fight on Quest is to play the native Quest version.
Официальные скриншоты The Thrill of the Fight – VR Boxing на Windows от разработчика игры:
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