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По статистике максимальная скидка на iComics в App Store делается каждые 4 мес.
Прогноз скидок: Следующую максимальную скидку стоит ожидать в ближайшее время/дни.

Информация про iComics

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iPhone, iPad

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Dutch, English, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Chinese

Цены в других в регионах

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499 ₸ (94.36 ₽)


41.06 ₴ (96.01 ₽)


8 ¥ (106.43 ₽)


39.99 ₺ (107.82 ₽)


1045.36 $ (96.1 ₽)

United States

0.99 $ (96.1 ₽)


4.99 zł (119.82 ₽)

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Новые актуальные цены отслеживаются с 06.2023 г. с этого момента цена в выбранном Вами регионе не менялась.


iComics is a Universal app designed for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch that allows you to read DRM-free comics from your own collection, quickly and smoothly! Highly customizable and polished -The Best Apps for Reading Comics on Your iPad, MakeUseOf, 2015 Attractively designed -Best Comic File Readers, AppAdvice, 2015 Supporting all of the major comic formats, iComics makes it extremely easy to import comic files onto your iOS device and start reading them straight away! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Features * Supports all of the major comic formats (ZIP, CBZ, RAR, CBR, 7ZIP, CB7, TAR, CBT, LZH, LHA, EPUB, PDF). * Collections for organizing sets of comics. * Hot jumping directly from one comic to the next. * Super smooth scrolling when turning pages. * Comics can be imported from your PC via iTunes, or from other apps on your iOS device (Such as Dropbox, or Safari). * Comic files are never modified or destroyed (So you can get them back off your device whenever you want!) * A slider that lets you jump between comic pages quickly. * Comics can be read from left-to-right, or right-to-left (Great for Eastern comics) * Page zooming can be set to reset every time a page is turned, or locked to the same scale across all pages. * Extra wide comic pages can be split up and treated as two separate pages. * Many sharing settings including being able to email, print or locally save individual pages! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- System Requirements iComics requires iOS 9. 0 or higher Supported hardware includes: * iPad (2 and above) * iPhone (4 and above) * iPod touch (5th Gen) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Follow iComicsApp on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook for updates!

По статистике максимальная скидка на iComics в App Store делается каждые 4 мес.. Следующую скидку стоит ожидать в ближайшее время/дни..


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