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Not Chess
По статистике максимальная скидка на Not Chess в App Store делается каждые 5 мес.
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Информация про Not Chess
Возрастное ограничение
iPhone, iPad
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Цены в других в регионах
Информация доступна зарегистрированным пользователям
999 ₸ (188.71 ₽)
82.58 ₴ (193.06 ₽)
99.99 ₺ (269.51 ₽)
2099.21 $ (192.92 ₽)
United States
1.99 $ (193.1 ₽)
9.99 zł (239.8 ₽)
Цены на других платформах
История цен и скидок на графике
История изменения цен (график скидок) на Not Chess:
Хронология цен
Хронология цен Not Chess показывает как со временем менялась цена в App Store.
99 ₽ новая стоимость. 199 ₽ (Экономия 100 ₽)
199 ₽ новая стоимость. 99 ₽
₽ новая стоимость. 199 ₽
199 ₽ новая стоимость. ₽
Wait, if this game is NOT chess, then what is it? Its a mind blowing puzzle game with some simple chess rules and a few special ingredients to make it fun and challenging for everyone!
•How to play?
You start with one single piece. Across the board, there are a few chess pieces strategically placed. When you take a chess piece, you become that piece and inherit its abilities. The level is complete when you collect the coin.
•Who is this for?
It doesn’t matter if you have no idea how to play chess or if you are a chess grandmaster. This game is for everyone. The tutorial covers all the required information in a fun, interactive way.
While this game is not chess, some levels will have a higher difficulty, requiring careful planning and strategy, making this a great way to put your brain muscle to work.
- 3 Difficulty levels: easy, medium and hard; with limited moves and limited time to complete the levels.
- Zen color palettes and relaxing soundtrack
- Game Center.
- No ads, no in-app purchases; buy it once and enjoy it forever.
- Haptic Feedback.
- Optimized for all devices;
- Simple controls, suitable for any age.
- Play Offline, no internet connection required to play
- No violence, stress-free; play at your own pace.
•Developer notes:
Thank you for playing “not chess”. I put a lot of love and effort into making this game. Don’t forget to review the game and share it with your friends. Use #notchess on social media!
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