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Beneath a Steel Sky
По статистике максимальная скидка на Beneath a Steel Sky в App Store делается каждые 7 мес.
Прогноз скидок: Следующую максимальную скидку стоит ожидать в ближайшее время/дни.
Информация про Beneath a Steel Sky
Возрастное ограничение
iPhone, iPad
Дата релиза
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Поддерживаемые языки
Цены в других в регионах
Информация доступна зарегистрированным пользователям
1490 ₸ (281.31 ₽)
167.82 ₴ (393.02 ₽)
129.99 ₺ (350.64 ₽)
3087.92 $ (284 ₽)
United States
2.99 $ (290.09 ₽)
14.99 zł (359.83 ₽)
Цены на других платформах
История цен и скидок на графике
История изменения цен (график скидок) на Beneath a Steel Sky:
Хронология цен
Хронология цен Beneath a Steel Sky показывает как со временем менялась цена в App Store.
₽ новая стоимость. 249 ₽
249 ₽ новая стоимость. ₽
When orphaned Robert Foster is seized at gunpoint from the peaceful village he calls home and flown a thousand miles to a city he’s never seen, he can only ask himself: why me? Escaping from his abductors into the dark metropolis, he vows to avenge the murder of the only family he’s ever known.
Play 10+ hours of intense narrative puzzle-solving, meeting an array of dazzling characters, to ultimately uncover a terrible truth.
“Whether youre an established fan of puzzle adventures or just a newcomer to the genre, Beneath a Steel Sky is an absolute delight. ” 9/10, Neon Kelly, Videogamer. com
“This is a story rich and layered throughout. . . ” 4/4 (must have), Keith Andrew, Slide to Play (Game of the month)
Set in a dystopian future, with an ironic twist, this remastered version has many special new features, including:
• Stunning new animated movies from Dave Gibbons, co-creator of Watchmen
• Context-sensitive hint system
• Remastered audio track featuring re-sampled voices and higher quality music
English speech with Spanish, French, Swedish, Portuguese, German, Italian, and English subtitles.
This software is covered under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2. For the full text of this license please visit our website.
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